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- ACL - ai.onnxruntime.OrtProvider
- add(long, long, String, String) - Method in class ai.onnxruntime.providers.OrtCUDAProviderOptions
Adds an option to this options instance.
- add(long, long, String, String) - Method in class ai.onnxruntime.providers.OrtTensorRTProviderOptions
Adds an option to this options instance.
- addACL(boolean) - Method in class ai.onnxruntime.OrtSession.SessionOptions
Adds the ARM Compute Library as an execution backend.
- addArmNN(boolean) - Method in class ai.onnxruntime.OrtSession.SessionOptions
Adds the ARM Neural Net library as an execution backend.
- addConfigEntry(String, String) - Method in class ai.onnxruntime.OrtSession.SessionOptions
Adds a single session configuration entry as a pair of strings.
- addCoreML() - Method in class ai.onnxruntime.OrtSession.SessionOptions
Adds Apple's CoreML as an execution backend.
- addCoreML(EnumSet<CoreMLFlags>) - Method in class ai.onnxruntime.OrtSession.SessionOptions
Adds Apple's CoreML as an execution backend.
- addCPU(boolean) - Method in class ai.onnxruntime.OrtSession.SessionOptions
Adds the CPU as an execution backend, using the arena allocator if desired.
- addCUDA() - Method in class ai.onnxruntime.OrtSession.SessionOptions
Add CUDA as an execution backend, using device 0.
- addCUDA(int) - Method in class ai.onnxruntime.OrtSession.SessionOptions
Add CUDA as an execution backend, using the specified CUDA device id.
- addCUDA(OrtCUDAProviderOptions) - Method in class ai.onnxruntime.OrtSession.SessionOptions
Adds CUDA as an execution backend, using the specified CUDA options.
- addDirectML(int) - Method in class ai.onnxruntime.OrtSession.SessionOptions
Adds DirectML as an execution backend.
- addDnnl(boolean) - Method in class ai.onnxruntime.OrtSession.SessionOptions
Adds Intel's Deep Neural Network Library as an execution backend.
- addNnapi() - Method in class ai.onnxruntime.OrtSession.SessionOptions
Adds Android's NNAPI as an execution backend.
- addNnapi(EnumSet<NNAPIFlags>) - Method in class ai.onnxruntime.OrtSession.SessionOptions
Adds Android's NNAPI as an execution backend.
- addOpenVINO(String) - Method in class ai.onnxruntime.OrtSession.SessionOptions
Adds OpenVINO as an execution backend.
- addROCM() - Method in class ai.onnxruntime.OrtSession.SessionOptions
Add ROCM as an execution backend, using device 0.
- addROCM(int) - Method in class ai.onnxruntime.OrtSession.SessionOptions
Add ROCM as an execution backend, using the specified ROCM device id.
- addTensorrt(int) - Method in class ai.onnxruntime.OrtSession.SessionOptions
Adds Nvidia's TensorRT as an execution backend.
- addTensorrt(OrtTensorRTProviderOptions) - Method in class ai.onnxruntime.OrtSession.SessionOptions
Adds Nvidia's TensorRT as an execution backend.
- addTvm(String) - Method in class ai.onnxruntime.OrtSession.SessionOptions
Adds TVM as an execution backend.
- addXnnpack(Map<String, String>) - Method in class ai.onnxruntime.OrtSession.SessionOptions
Adds Xnnpack as an execution backend.
- aggregateToInt(EnumSet<E>) - Static method in interface ai.onnxruntime.providers.OrtFlags
Converts an EnumSet of flags into the value expected by the C API.
- ai.onnxruntime - package ai.onnxruntime
A Java interface to the ONNX Runtime.
- ai.onnxruntime.providers - package ai.onnxruntime.providers
- ALL_OPT - ai.onnxruntime.OrtSession.SessionOptions.OptLevel
- allocatorHandle - Variable in class ai.onnxruntime.OnnxTensorLike
- ARM_NN - ai.onnxruntime.OrtProvider
- BASIC_OPT - ai.onnxruntime.OrtSession.SessionOptions.OptLevel
- BLOCK_SPARSE - ai.onnxruntime.OnnxSparseTensor.SparseTensorType
Block sparse tensor.
- BlockSparseTensor(IntBuffer, long[], Buffer, long[], long[], OnnxJavaType, long) - Constructor for class ai.onnxruntime.OnnxSparseTensor.BlockSparseTensor
Construct a block sparse tensor.
- BOOL - ai.onnxruntime.OnnxJavaType
- clazz - Variable in enum ai.onnxruntime.OnnxJavaType
- close() - Method in class ai.onnxruntime.OnnxMap
Closes this map, releasing the native memory backing it and it's elements.
- close() - Method in class ai.onnxruntime.OnnxSequence
Closes this sequence, releasing the native memory backing it and it's elements.
- close() - Method in class ai.onnxruntime.OnnxSparseTensor
- close() - Method in class ai.onnxruntime.OnnxTensor
Closes the tensor, releasing it's underlying memory (if it's not backed by an NIO buffer).
- close() - Method in interface ai.onnxruntime.OnnxValue
Closes the OnnxValue, freeing it's native memory.
- close() - Method in class ai.onnxruntime.OrtEnvironment
Close is a no-op on OrtEnvironment since ORT 1.11.
- close() - Method in class ai.onnxruntime.OrtEnvironment.ThreadingOptions
Closes the threading options.
- close() - Method in class ai.onnxruntime.OrtProviderOptions
- close() - Method in class ai.onnxruntime.OrtSession
Closes the session, releasing it's resources.
- close() - Method in class ai.onnxruntime.OrtSession.Result
- close() - Method in class ai.onnxruntime.OrtSession.RunOptions
- close() - Method in class ai.onnxruntime.OrtSession.SessionOptions
Closes the session options, releasing any memory acquired.
- close(long, long) - Method in class ai.onnxruntime.OrtProviderOptions
Native close method.
- close(long, long) - Method in class ai.onnxruntime.providers.OrtCUDAProviderOptions
Closes this options instance.
- close(long, long) - Method in class ai.onnxruntime.providers.OrtTensorRTProviderOptions
Closes this options instance.
- close(Iterable<? extends OnnxValue>) - Static method in interface ai.onnxruntime.OnnxValue
Calls close on each element of the iterable.
- close(Map<String, ? extends OnnxValue>) - Static method in interface ai.onnxruntime.OnnxValue
Calls close on each
in the map. - constructFromBuffer(Buffer, long[], OnnxJavaType) - Static method in class ai.onnxruntime.TensorInfo
Constructs a TensorInfo from the supplied byte buffer.
- constructFromJavaArray(Object) - Static method in class ai.onnxruntime.TensorInfo
Constructs a TensorInfo from the supplied multidimensional Java array, used to allocate the appropriate amount of native memory.
- constructFromSparseTensor(OnnxSparseTensor.SparseTensor<T>) - Static method in class ai.onnxruntime.TensorInfo
Constructs a TensorInfo from the supplied
. - COO - ai.onnxruntime.OnnxSparseTensor.SparseTensorType
COO sparse tensor.
- COOTensor(LongBuffer, long[], Buffer, long[], OnnxJavaType, long) - Constructor for class ai.onnxruntime.OnnxSparseTensor.COOTensor
Creates a COO sparse tensor suitable for constructing an ORT Sparse Tensor.
- CORE_ML - ai.onnxruntime.OrtProvider
- CoreMLFlags - Enum in ai.onnxruntime.providers
Flags for the CoreML provider.
- CPU - ai.onnxruntime.OrtProvider
- CPU_DISABLED - ai.onnxruntime.providers.NNAPIFlags
- CPU_ONLY - ai.onnxruntime.providers.CoreMLFlags
- CPU_ONLY - ai.onnxruntime.providers.NNAPIFlags
- create() - Method in interface ai.onnxruntime.OrtProviderOptions.OrtProviderSupplier
Calls the function to get the native pointer.
- createSession(byte[]) - Method in class ai.onnxruntime.OrtEnvironment
Create a session using the default
, model and the default memory allocator. - createSession(byte[], OrtSession.SessionOptions) - Method in class ai.onnxruntime.OrtEnvironment
Create a session using the specified
, model and the default memory allocator. - createSession(String) - Method in class ai.onnxruntime.OrtEnvironment
Create a session using the default
, model and the default memory allocator. - createSession(String, OrtSession.SessionOptions) - Method in class ai.onnxruntime.OrtEnvironment
Create a session using the specified
, model and the default memory allocator. - createSparseTensor(OrtEnvironment, OnnxSparseTensor.SparseTensor<T>) - Static method in class ai.onnxruntime.OnnxSparseTensor
Creates a Sparse Tensor in ORT from the Java side representation.
- createTensor(OrtEnvironment, Object) - Static method in class ai.onnxruntime.OnnxTensor
Create a Tensor from a Java primitive, primitive multidimensional array or String multidimensional array.
- createTensor(OrtEnvironment, String[], long[]) - Static method in class ai.onnxruntime.OnnxTensor
Create a tensor from a flattened string array.
- createTensor(OrtEnvironment, ByteBuffer, long[]) - Static method in class ai.onnxruntime.OnnxTensor
Create an OnnxTensor backed by a direct ByteBuffer.
- createTensor(OrtEnvironment, ByteBuffer, long[], OnnxJavaType) - Static method in class ai.onnxruntime.OnnxTensor
Create an OnnxTensor backed by a direct ByteBuffer.
- createTensor(OrtEnvironment, DoubleBuffer, long[]) - Static method in class ai.onnxruntime.OnnxTensor
Create an OnnxTensor backed by a direct DoubleBuffer.
- createTensor(OrtEnvironment, FloatBuffer, long[]) - Static method in class ai.onnxruntime.OnnxTensor
Create an OnnxTensor backed by a direct FloatBuffer.
- createTensor(OrtEnvironment, IntBuffer, long[]) - Static method in class ai.onnxruntime.OnnxTensor
Create an OnnxTensor backed by a direct IntBuffer.
- createTensor(OrtEnvironment, LongBuffer, long[]) - Static method in class ai.onnxruntime.OnnxTensor
Create an OnnxTensor backed by a direct LongBuffer.
- createTensor(OrtEnvironment, ShortBuffer, long[]) - Static method in class ai.onnxruntime.OnnxTensor
Create an OnnxTensor backed by a direct ShortBuffer.
- CSRC - ai.onnxruntime.OnnxSparseTensor.SparseTensorType
CSR or CSC sparse tensor.
- CSRCTensor(LongBuffer, LongBuffer, Buffer, long[], OnnxJavaType, long) - Constructor for class ai.onnxruntime.OnnxSparseTensor.CSRCTensor
Creates a CSRC sparse tensor suitable for constructing an ORT Sparse Tensor.
- CUDA - ai.onnxruntime.OrtProvider
- DEFAULT_NAME - Static variable in class ai.onnxruntime.OrtEnvironment
- DIRECT_ML - ai.onnxruntime.OrtProvider
- disablePerSessionThreads() - Method in class ai.onnxruntime.OrtSession.SessionOptions
Disables the per session thread pools.
- disableProfiling() - Method in class ai.onnxruntime.OrtSession.SessionOptions
Disables profiling in sessions using this SessionOptions.
- DNNL - ai.onnxruntime.OrtProvider
- DOUBLE - ai.onnxruntime.OnnxJavaType
- DOUBLE - ai.onnxruntime.OnnxMap.OnnxMapValueType
- elementCount(long[]) - Static method in class ai.onnxruntime.OrtUtil
Counts the number of elements stored in a Tensor of this shape.
- ENABLE_ON_SUBGRAPH - ai.onnxruntime.providers.CoreMLFlags
- enableProfiling(String) - Method in class ai.onnxruntime.OrtSession.SessionOptions
Enables profiling in sessions using this SessionOptions.
- endProfiling() - Method in class ai.onnxruntime.OrtSession
Ends the profiling session and returns the output of the profiler.
- equals(Object) - Method in class ai.onnxruntime.OnnxModelMetadata
- EXTENDED_OPT - ai.onnxruntime.OrtSession.SessionOptions.OptLevel
- flattenString(Object) - Static method in class ai.onnxruntime.OrtUtil
Flatten a multidimensional String array into a single dimensional String array, reading it in a multidimensional row-major order.
- FLOAT - ai.onnxruntime.OnnxJavaType
- FLOAT - ai.onnxruntime.OnnxMap.OnnxMapValueType
- get(int) - Method in class ai.onnxruntime.OrtSession.Result
Gets the value from the container at the specified index.
- get(String) - Method in class ai.onnxruntime.OrtSession.Result
Gets the value from the container assuming it's not been closed.
- getApiHandle() - Static method in class ai.onnxruntime.OrtProviderOptions
Allow access to the api handle pointer for subclasses.
- getAvailableProviders() - Static method in class ai.onnxruntime.OrtEnvironment
Gets the providers available in this environment.
- getByteBuffer() - Method in class ai.onnxruntime.OnnxTensor
Returns a copy of the underlying OnnxTensor as a ByteBuffer.
- getCode() - Method in exception ai.onnxruntime.OrtException
Return the error code.
- getConfigEntries() - Method in class ai.onnxruntime.OrtSession.SessionOptions
Returns an unmodifiable view of the map contains all session configuration entries.
- getCustomMetadata() - Method in class ai.onnxruntime.OnnxModelMetadata
Gets an unmodifiable reference to the complete custom metadata.
- getCustomMetadataValue(String) - Method in class ai.onnxruntime.OnnxModelMetadata
Returns Optional.of(value) if the custom metadata has a value for the supplied key, otherwise returns
. - getDenseShape() - Method in class ai.onnxruntime.OnnxSparseTensor.SparseTensor
Gets the dense shape of the sparse tensor.
- getDescription() - Method in class ai.onnxruntime.OnnxModelMetadata
Gets the model description.
- getDomain() - Method in class ai.onnxruntime.OnnxModelMetadata
Gets the domain.
- getDoubleBuffer() - Method in class ai.onnxruntime.OnnxTensor
Returns a copy of the underlying OnnxTensor as a DoubleBuffer if the underlying type is a double, otherwise it returns null.
- getEnvironment() - Static method in class ai.onnxruntime.OrtEnvironment
Gets the OrtEnvironment.
- getEnvironment(OrtLoggingLevel) - Static method in class ai.onnxruntime.OrtEnvironment
Gets the OrtEnvironment.
- getEnvironment(OrtLoggingLevel, String) - Static method in class ai.onnxruntime.OrtEnvironment
Gets the OrtEnvironment.
- getEnvironment(OrtLoggingLevel, String, OrtEnvironment.ThreadingOptions) - Static method in class ai.onnxruntime.OrtEnvironment
Creates an OrtEnvironment using the specified global thread pool options.
- getEnvironment(String) - Static method in class ai.onnxruntime.OrtEnvironment
Gets the OrtEnvironment.
- getFloatBuffer() - Method in class ai.onnxruntime.OnnxTensor
Returns a copy of the underlying OnnxTensor as a FloatBuffer if it can be losslessly converted into a float (i.e.
- getGraphDescription() - Method in class ai.onnxruntime.OnnxModelMetadata
Gets the graph description.
- getGraphName() - Method in class ai.onnxruntime.OnnxModelMetadata
Gets the graph name.
- getID() - Method in enum ai.onnxruntime.OrtSession.SessionOptions.ExecutionMode
Gets the int id used in native code for the execution mode.
- getID() - Method in enum ai.onnxruntime.OrtSession.SessionOptions.OptLevel
Gets the int id used in native code for this optimisation level.
- getIndices() - Method in class ai.onnxruntime.OnnxSparseTensor.SparseTensor
Get the indices buffer.
- getIndicesBuffer() - Method in class ai.onnxruntime.OnnxSparseTensor
Gets a copy of the indices.
- getIndicesShape() - Method in class ai.onnxruntime.OnnxSparseTensor
Gets the shape of the (outer) indices.
- getIndicesShape() - Method in class ai.onnxruntime.OnnxSparseTensor.SparseTensor
Gets the shape of the indices of the sparse tensor.
- getIndicesType() - Method in class ai.onnxruntime.OnnxSparseTensor.BlockSparseTensor
- getIndicesType() - Method in class ai.onnxruntime.OnnxSparseTensor.COOTensor
- getIndicesType() - Method in class ai.onnxruntime.OnnxSparseTensor.CSRCTensor
- getIndicesType() - Method in class ai.onnxruntime.OnnxSparseTensor.SparseTensor
The indices type of the sparse tensor.
- getInfo() - Method in class ai.onnxruntime.NodeInfo
The type and shape information of this node.
- getInfo() - Method in class ai.onnxruntime.OnnxMap
- getInfo() - Method in class ai.onnxruntime.OnnxSequence
- getInfo() - Method in class ai.onnxruntime.OnnxTensorLike
Returns a
for this tensor. - getInfo() - Method in interface ai.onnxruntime.OnnxValue
Gets the type info object associated with this OnnxValue.
- getInnerIndices() - Method in class ai.onnxruntime.OnnxSparseTensor.CSRCTensor
Gets the inner indices buffer.
- getInnerIndicesBuffer() - Method in class ai.onnxruntime.OnnxSparseTensor
Gets a copy of the inner indices in a CSRC sparse tensor.
- getInnerIndicesShape() - Method in class ai.onnxruntime.OnnxSparseTensor.CSRCTensor
Gets the shape of the inner indices.
- getInnerIndicesShape() - Method in class ai.onnxruntime.OnnxSparseTensor
Gets the shape of the inner indices in a CSRC sparse tensor.
- getInputInfo() - Method in class ai.onnxruntime.OrtSession
Returns the info objects for the inputs, including their names and types.
- getInputNames() - Method in class ai.onnxruntime.OrtSession
Returns the input names.
- getIntBuffer() - Method in class ai.onnxruntime.OnnxTensor
Returns a copy of the underlying OnnxTensor as an IntBuffer if the underlying type is int32 or uint32, otherwise it returns null.
- getLogLevel() - Method in class ai.onnxruntime.OrtSession.RunOptions
Gets the current logging level set on this RunOptions.
- getLogVerbosityLevel() - Method in class ai.onnxruntime.OrtSession.RunOptions
Gets the current logging verbosity level set on this RunOptions.
- getLongBuffer() - Method in class ai.onnxruntime.OnnxTensor
Returns a copy of the underlying OnnxTensor as a LongBuffer if the underlying type is int64 or uint64, otherwise it returns null.
- getMetadata() - Method in class ai.onnxruntime.OrtSession
Gets the metadata for the currently loaded model.
- getName() - Method in class ai.onnxruntime.NodeInfo
The name of the node.
- getName() - Method in enum ai.onnxruntime.OrtProvider
Accessor for the internal name of this provider.
- getNumInputs() - Method in class ai.onnxruntime.OrtSession
Returns the number of inputs this model expects.
- getNumNonZeroElements() - Method in class ai.onnxruntime.OnnxSparseTensor.SparseTensor
The number of non-zero elements.
- getNumOutputs() - Method in class ai.onnxruntime.OrtSession
Returns the number of outputs this model expects.
- getOutputInfo() - Method in class ai.onnxruntime.OrtSession
Returns the info objects for the outputs, including their names and types.
- getOutputNames() - Method in class ai.onnxruntime.OrtSession
Returns the output names.
- getProducerName() - Method in class ai.onnxruntime.OnnxModelMetadata
Gets the producer name.
- getProfilingStartTimeInNs() - Method in class ai.onnxruntime.OrtSession
Returns the timestamp that profiling started in nanoseconds.
- getProvider() - Method in class ai.onnxruntime.OrtProviderOptions
Gets the provider enum for this options instance.
- getProvider() - Method in class ai.onnxruntime.providers.OrtCUDAProviderOptions
- getProvider() - Method in class ai.onnxruntime.providers.OrtTensorRTProviderOptions
- getRunTag() - Method in class ai.onnxruntime.OrtSession.RunOptions
Gets the String used to log information about this run.
- getShape() - Method in class ai.onnxruntime.TensorInfo
Get a copy of the tensor's shape.
- getShortBuffer() - Method in class ai.onnxruntime.OnnxTensor
Returns a copy of the underlying OnnxTensor as a ShortBuffer if the underlying type is int16 or uint16, otherwise it returns null.
- getSparseTensorType() - Method in class ai.onnxruntime.OnnxSparseTensor
Returns the type of this OnnxSparseTensor.
- getSparsityType() - Method in class ai.onnxruntime.OnnxSparseTensor.BlockSparseTensor
- getSparsityType() - Method in class ai.onnxruntime.OnnxSparseTensor.COOTensor
- getSparsityType() - Method in class ai.onnxruntime.OnnxSparseTensor.CSRCTensor
- getSparsityType() - Method in class ai.onnxruntime.OnnxSparseTensor.SparseTensor
The sparsity type of the sparse tensor.
- getType() - Method in class ai.onnxruntime.OnnxMap
- getType() - Method in class ai.onnxruntime.OnnxSequence
- getType() - Method in class ai.onnxruntime.OnnxSparseTensor
- getType() - Method in class ai.onnxruntime.OnnxSparseTensor.SparseTensor
The data type of the sparse tensor.
- getType() - Method in class ai.onnxruntime.OnnxTensor
- getType() - Method in interface ai.onnxruntime.OnnxValue
Gets the type of this OnnxValue.
- getValue() - Method in class ai.onnxruntime.OnnxMap
Returns a weakly typed Map containing all the elements.
- getValue() - Method in class ai.onnxruntime.OnnxSequence
Extracts a Java list of the
s which can then be further unwrapped. - getValue() - Method in class ai.onnxruntime.OnnxSparseTensor
- getValue() - Method in class ai.onnxruntime.OnnxTensor
Either returns a boxed primitive if the Tensor is a scalar, or a multidimensional array of primitives if it has multiple dimensions.
- getValue() - Method in interface ai.onnxruntime.OnnxValue
Returns the value as a Java object copying it out of the native heap.
- getValue() - Method in enum ai.onnxruntime.OrtLoggingLevel
Gets the native value associated with this logging level.
- getValue() - Method in enum ai.onnxruntime.providers.CoreMLFlags
- getValue() - Method in enum ai.onnxruntime.providers.NNAPIFlags
- getValue() - Method in interface ai.onnxruntime.providers.OrtFlags
Gets the underlying flag value.
- getValues() - Method in class ai.onnxruntime.OnnxSparseTensor.SparseTensor
Get the value buffer.
- getValuesBuffer() - Method in class ai.onnxruntime.OnnxSparseTensor
Gets a copy of the data buffer.
- getValuesShape() - Method in class ai.onnxruntime.OnnxSparseTensor
Gets the shape of the values.
- getValuesShape() - Method in class ai.onnxruntime.OnnxSparseTensor.SparseTensor
Gets the shape of the values of the sparse tensor.
- getVersion() - Method in class ai.onnxruntime.OnnxModelMetadata
Gets the model version.
- hashCode() - Method in class ai.onnxruntime.OnnxModelMetadata
- info - Variable in class ai.onnxruntime.OnnxTensorLike
- INT16 - ai.onnxruntime.OnnxJavaType
- INT32 - ai.onnxruntime.OnnxJavaType
- INT64 - ai.onnxruntime.OnnxJavaType
- INT8 - ai.onnxruntime.OnnxJavaType
- INVALID - ai.onnxruntime.OnnxMap.OnnxMapValueType
- isScalar() - Method in class ai.onnxruntime.TensorInfo
Returns true if the shape represents a scalar value (i.e.
- isSequenceOfMaps() - Method in class ai.onnxruntime.SequenceInfo
Is this a sequence of maps?
- iterator() - Method in class ai.onnxruntime.OrtSession.Result
- length - Variable in class ai.onnxruntime.SequenceInfo
The number of elements in this sequence.
- loadLibraryAndCreate(OrtProvider, OrtProviderOptions.OrtProviderSupplier) - Static method in class ai.onnxruntime.OrtProviderOptions
Loads the provider's shared library (if necessary) and calls the create provider function.
- LONG - ai.onnxruntime.OnnxMap.OnnxMapValueType
- makeCarrier() - Method in class ai.onnxruntime.TensorInfo
Constructs an array the right shape and type to hold this tensor.
- mapFromClass(Class<?>) - Static method in enum ai.onnxruntime.OnnxJavaType
Maps from a Java class object into the enum type, returning
for unsupported types. - mapFromInt(int) - Static method in enum ai.onnxruntime.OnnxJavaType
Maps from an int in native land into an OnnxJavaType instance.
- mapFromInt(int) - Static method in enum ai.onnxruntime.OnnxMap.OnnxMapValueType
Gets the enum type from it's integer id.
- mapFromInt(int) - Static method in enum ai.onnxruntime.OnnxSparseTensor.SparseTensorType
Maps from an int in native land into a SparseTensorType instance.
- mapFromInt(int) - Static method in enum ai.onnxruntime.OrtException.OrtErrorCode
Maps from an int in native land into an OrtErrorCode instance.
- mapFromInt(int) - Static method in enum ai.onnxruntime.OrtLoggingLevel
Maps from the C API's int enum to the Java enum.
- mapFromInt(int) - Static method in enum ai.onnxruntime.TensorInfo.OnnxTensorType
Maps from the C API's int enum to the Java enum.
- mapFromJavaType(OnnxJavaType) - Static method in enum ai.onnxruntime.TensorInfo.OnnxTensorType
Maps a OnnxJavaType into the appropriate native element type.
- mapFromName(String) - Static method in enum ai.onnxruntime.OrtProvider
Maps from the name string used by ONNX Runtime into the enum.
- mapFromOnnxJavaType(OnnxJavaType) - Static method in enum ai.onnxruntime.OnnxMap.OnnxMapValueType
Maps a
into a map value type. - mapFromOnnxTensorType(TensorInfo.OnnxTensorType) - Static method in enum ai.onnxruntime.OnnxJavaType
Maps from the
enum to the corresponding OnnxJavaType enum, converting types as appropriate. - mapInfo - Variable in class ai.onnxruntime.SequenceInfo
The type of the map if it contains a map, null otherwise.
- MapInfo - Class in ai.onnxruntime
Describes an
object or output node. - MAX_DIMENSIONS - Static variable in class ai.onnxruntime.TensorInfo
Maximum number of dimensions supported by the Java interface methods.
- MI_GRAPH_X - ai.onnxruntime.OrtProvider
- nativeHandle - Variable in class ai.onnxruntime.OnnxTensorLike
- nativeHandle - Variable in class ai.onnxruntime.OrtProviderOptions
- newBooleanArray(long[]) - Static method in class ai.onnxruntime.OrtUtil
Creates a new primitive boolean array of up to 8 dimensions, using the supplied shape.
- newByteArray(long[]) - Static method in class ai.onnxruntime.OrtUtil
Creates a new primitive byte array of up to 8 dimensions, using the supplied shape.
- newDoubleArray(long[]) - Static method in class ai.onnxruntime.OrtUtil
Creates a new primitive double array of up to 8 dimensions, using the supplied shape.
- newFloatArray(long[]) - Static method in class ai.onnxruntime.OrtUtil
Creates a new primitive float array of up to 8 dimensions, using the supplied shape.
- newIntArray(long[]) - Static method in class ai.onnxruntime.OrtUtil
Creates a new primitive int array of up to 8 dimensions, using the supplied shape.
- newLongArray(long[]) - Static method in class ai.onnxruntime.OrtUtil
Creates a new primitive long array of up to 8 dimensions, using the supplied shape.
- newShortArray(long[]) - Static method in class ai.onnxruntime.OrtUtil
Creates a new primitive short array of up to 8 dimensions, using the supplied shape.
- newStringArray(long[]) - Static method in class ai.onnxruntime.OrtUtil
Creates a new String array of up to 8 dimensions, using the supplied shape.
- NNAPI - ai.onnxruntime.OrtProvider
- NNAPIFlags - Enum in ai.onnxruntime.providers
Flags for the NNAPI provider.
- NO_OPT - ai.onnxruntime.OrtSession.SessionOptions.OptLevel
- NodeInfo - Class in ai.onnxruntime
The info for an input or output node from an ONNX model.
- NodeInfo(String, ValueInfo) - Constructor for class ai.onnxruntime.NodeInfo
Creates a node info object from the supplied name and value info.
- ONLY_ENABLE_DEVICE_WITH_ANE - ai.onnxruntime.providers.CoreMLFlags
- ONNX_TENSOR_ELEMENT_DATA_TYPE_BFLOAT16 - ai.onnxruntime.TensorInfo.OnnxTensorType
- ONNX_TENSOR_ELEMENT_DATA_TYPE_BOOL - ai.onnxruntime.TensorInfo.OnnxTensorType
- ONNX_TENSOR_ELEMENT_DATA_TYPE_COMPLEX128 - ai.onnxruntime.TensorInfo.OnnxTensorType
- ONNX_TENSOR_ELEMENT_DATA_TYPE_COMPLEX64 - ai.onnxruntime.TensorInfo.OnnxTensorType
- ONNX_TENSOR_ELEMENT_DATA_TYPE_DOUBLE - ai.onnxruntime.TensorInfo.OnnxTensorType
- ONNX_TENSOR_ELEMENT_DATA_TYPE_FLOAT - ai.onnxruntime.TensorInfo.OnnxTensorType
- ONNX_TENSOR_ELEMENT_DATA_TYPE_FLOAT16 - ai.onnxruntime.TensorInfo.OnnxTensorType
- ONNX_TENSOR_ELEMENT_DATA_TYPE_INT16 - ai.onnxruntime.TensorInfo.OnnxTensorType
- ONNX_TENSOR_ELEMENT_DATA_TYPE_INT32 - ai.onnxruntime.TensorInfo.OnnxTensorType
- ONNX_TENSOR_ELEMENT_DATA_TYPE_INT64 - ai.onnxruntime.TensorInfo.OnnxTensorType
- ONNX_TENSOR_ELEMENT_DATA_TYPE_INT8 - ai.onnxruntime.TensorInfo.OnnxTensorType
- ONNX_TENSOR_ELEMENT_DATA_TYPE_STRING - ai.onnxruntime.TensorInfo.OnnxTensorType
- ONNX_TENSOR_ELEMENT_DATA_TYPE_UINT16 - ai.onnxruntime.TensorInfo.OnnxTensorType
- ONNX_TENSOR_ELEMENT_DATA_TYPE_UINT32 - ai.onnxruntime.TensorInfo.OnnxTensorType
- ONNX_TENSOR_ELEMENT_DATA_TYPE_UINT64 - ai.onnxruntime.TensorInfo.OnnxTensorType
- ONNX_TENSOR_ELEMENT_DATA_TYPE_UINT8 - ai.onnxruntime.TensorInfo.OnnxTensorType
- ONNX_TENSOR_ELEMENT_DATA_TYPE_UNDEFINED - ai.onnxruntime.TensorInfo.OnnxTensorType
- ONNX_TYPE_MAP - ai.onnxruntime.OnnxValue.OnnxValueType
- ONNX_TYPE_OPAQUE - ai.onnxruntime.OnnxValue.OnnxValueType
- ONNX_TYPE_OPTIONAL - ai.onnxruntime.OnnxValue.OnnxValueType
- ONNX_TYPE_SEQUENCE - ai.onnxruntime.OnnxValue.OnnxValueType
- ONNX_TYPE_SPARSETENSOR - ai.onnxruntime.OnnxValue.OnnxValueType
- ONNX_TYPE_TENSOR - ai.onnxruntime.OnnxValue.OnnxValueType
- ONNX_TYPE_UNKNOWN - ai.onnxruntime.OnnxValue.OnnxValueType
- OnnxJavaType - Enum in ai.onnxruntime
An enum representing onnxruntime supported Java primitive types (and String).
- OnnxMap - Class in ai.onnxruntime
A container for a map returned by
. - OnnxMap.OnnxMapValueType - Enum in ai.onnxruntime
An enum representing the Java type of the values stored in an
. - OnnxModelMetadata - Class in ai.onnxruntime
Contains the metadata associated with an ONNX model.
- OnnxModelMetadata(OnnxModelMetadata) - Constructor for class ai.onnxruntime.OnnxModelMetadata
Copy constructor.
- OnnxSequence - Class in ai.onnxruntime
A sequence of
s all of the same type. - OnnxSparseTensor - Class in ai.onnxruntime
A Java object wrapping an OnnxSparseTensor.
- OnnxSparseTensor.BlockSparseTensor - Class in ai.onnxruntime
The Java side representation of a block sparse tensor.
- OnnxSparseTensor.COOTensor - Class in ai.onnxruntime
The Java side representation of a COO sparse tensor.
- OnnxSparseTensor.CSRCTensor - Class in ai.onnxruntime
The Java side representation of a CSRC sparse tensor.
- OnnxSparseTensor.SparseTensor<T extends java.nio.Buffer> - Class in ai.onnxruntime
Abstract base class for Java sparse tensors
- OnnxSparseTensor.SparseTensorType - Enum in ai.onnxruntime
The type of the sparse tensor.
- OnnxTensor - Class in ai.onnxruntime
A Java object wrapping an OnnxTensor.
- OnnxTensorLike - Class in ai.onnxruntime
Currently implemented by
. - onnxType - Variable in class ai.onnxruntime.TensorInfo
The native type of this tensor.
- OnnxValue - Interface in ai.onnxruntime
Top interface for input and output values from ONNX models.
- OnnxValue.OnnxValueType - Enum in ai.onnxruntime
The type of the
, mirroring the id in the C API. - OPEN_VINO - ai.onnxruntime.OrtProvider
- ORT_ENGINE_ERROR - ai.onnxruntime.OrtException.OrtErrorCode
- ORT_EP_FAIL - ai.onnxruntime.OrtException.OrtErrorCode
- ORT_FAIL - ai.onnxruntime.OrtException.OrtErrorCode
- ORT_INVALID_ARGUMENT - ai.onnxruntime.OrtException.OrtErrorCode
- ORT_INVALID_GRAPH - ai.onnxruntime.OrtException.OrtErrorCode
- ORT_INVALID_PROTOBUF - ai.onnxruntime.OrtException.OrtErrorCode
- ORT_JAVA_UNKNOWN - ai.onnxruntime.OrtException.OrtErrorCode
- ORT_LOGGING_LEVEL_ERROR - ai.onnxruntime.OrtLoggingLevel
- ORT_LOGGING_LEVEL_FATAL - ai.onnxruntime.OrtLoggingLevel
- ORT_LOGGING_LEVEL_INFO - ai.onnxruntime.OrtLoggingLevel
- ORT_LOGGING_LEVEL_VERBOSE - ai.onnxruntime.OrtLoggingLevel
- ORT_LOGGING_LEVEL_WARNING - ai.onnxruntime.OrtLoggingLevel
- ORT_MODEL_LOADED - ai.onnxruntime.OrtException.OrtErrorCode
- ORT_NO_MODEL - ai.onnxruntime.OrtException.OrtErrorCode
- ORT_NO_SUCHFILE - ai.onnxruntime.OrtException.OrtErrorCode
- ORT_NOT_IMPLEMENTED - ai.onnxruntime.OrtException.OrtErrorCode
- ORT_OK - ai.onnxruntime.OrtException.OrtErrorCode
- ORT_RUNTIME_EXCEPTION - ai.onnxruntime.OrtException.OrtErrorCode
- OrtCUDAProviderOptions - Class in ai.onnxruntime.providers
Options for configuring the CUDA execution provider.
- OrtCUDAProviderOptions() - Constructor for class ai.onnxruntime.providers.OrtCUDAProviderOptions
Constructs CUDA execution provider options for device 0.
- OrtCUDAProviderOptions(int) - Constructor for class ai.onnxruntime.providers.OrtCUDAProviderOptions
Constructs CUDA execution provider options for the specified non-negative device id.
- OrtEnvironment - Class in ai.onnxruntime
The host object for the onnx-runtime system.
- OrtEnvironment.ThreadingOptions - Class in ai.onnxruntime
Controls the global thread pools in the environment.
- OrtException - Exception in ai.onnxruntime
An exception which contains the error message and code produced by the native onnxruntime.
- OrtException(int, String) - Constructor for exception ai.onnxruntime.OrtException
Used to throw an exception from native code as it handles the enum lookup in Java.
- OrtException(OrtException.OrtErrorCode, String) - Constructor for exception ai.onnxruntime.OrtException
Creates an OrtException using the specified error code and message.
- OrtException(String) - Constructor for exception ai.onnxruntime.OrtException
Creates an OrtException with a default Java error code and the specified message.
- OrtException.OrtErrorCode - Enum in ai.onnxruntime
Maps the OrtErrorCode struct in "onnxruntime_c_api.h" with an additional entry for Java side errors.
- OrtFlags - Interface in ai.onnxruntime.providers
An interface for bitset enums that should be aggregated into a single integer.
- OrtLoggingLevel - Enum in ai.onnxruntime
The logging level for messages from the environment and session.
- OrtProvider - Enum in ai.onnxruntime
The execution providers available through the Java API.
- OrtProviderOptions - Class in ai.onnxruntime
An abstract base class for execution provider options classes.
- OrtProviderOptions(long) - Constructor for class ai.onnxruntime.OrtProviderOptions
Constructs a OrtProviderOptions wrapped around a native pointer.
- OrtProviderOptions.OrtProviderSupplier - Interface in ai.onnxruntime
Functional interface mirroring a Java supplier, but can throw OrtException.
- OrtSession - Class in ai.onnxruntime
Wraps an ONNX model and allows inference calls.
- OrtSession.Result - Class in ai.onnxruntime
- OrtSession.RunOptions - Class in ai.onnxruntime
Used to control logging and termination of a call to
OrtSession.run(java.util.Map<java.lang.String, ? extends ai.onnxruntime.OnnxTensorLike>)
. - OrtSession.SessionOptions - Class in ai.onnxruntime
Represents the options used to construct this session.
- OrtSession.SessionOptions.ExecutionMode - Enum in ai.onnxruntime
The execution mode to use.
- OrtSession.SessionOptions.OptLevel - Enum in ai.onnxruntime
The optimisation level to use.
- OrtTensorRTProviderOptions - Class in ai.onnxruntime.providers
Options for configuring the TensorRT execution provider.
- OrtTensorRTProviderOptions() - Constructor for class ai.onnxruntime.providers.OrtTensorRTProviderOptions
Constructs TensorRT execution provider options for device 0.
- OrtTensorRTProviderOptions(int) - Constructor for class ai.onnxruntime.providers.OrtTensorRTProviderOptions
Constructs TensorRT execution provider options for the specified non-negative device id.
- OrtUtil - Class in ai.onnxruntime
Util code for interacting with Java arrays.
- PARALLEL - ai.onnxruntime.OrtSession.SessionOptions.ExecutionMode
- registerCustomOpLibrary(String) - Method in class ai.onnxruntime.OrtSession.SessionOptions
Registers a library of custom ops for use with
s using this SessionOptions. - registerCustomOpsUsingFunction(String) - Method in class ai.onnxruntime.OrtSession.SessionOptions
Registers custom ops for use with
s using this SessionOptions by calling the specified native function name. - reshape(boolean[], long[]) - Static method in class ai.onnxruntime.OrtUtil
Reshapes a boolean array into the desired n-dimensional array assuming the boolean array is stored in n-dimensional row-major order.
- reshape(byte[], long[]) - Static method in class ai.onnxruntime.OrtUtil
Reshapes a byte array into the desired n-dimensional array assuming the byte array is stored in n-dimensional row-major order.
- reshape(double[], long[]) - Static method in class ai.onnxruntime.OrtUtil
Reshapes a double array into the desired n-dimensional array assuming the double array is stored in n-dimensional row-major order.
- reshape(float[], long[]) - Static method in class ai.onnxruntime.OrtUtil
Reshapes a float array into the desired n-dimensional array assuming the float array is stored in n-dimensional row-major order.
- reshape(int[], long[]) - Static method in class ai.onnxruntime.OrtUtil
Reshapes an int array into the desired n-dimensional array, assuming the int array is stored in n-dimensional row-major order.
- reshape(long[], long[]) - Static method in class ai.onnxruntime.OrtUtil
Reshapes a long array into the desired n-dimensional array, assuming the long array is stored in n-dimensional row-major order.
- reshape(short[], long[]) - Static method in class ai.onnxruntime.OrtUtil
Reshapes a short array into the desired n-dimensional array assuming the short array is stored in n-dimensional row-major order.
- reshape(String[], long[]) - Static method in class ai.onnxruntime.OrtUtil
Reshapes a String array into the desired n-dimensional array assuming the String array is stored in n-dimensional row-major order.
- RK_NPU - ai.onnxruntime.OrtProvider
- ROCM - ai.onnxruntime.OrtProvider
- run(Map<String, ? extends OnnxTensorLike>) - Method in class ai.onnxruntime.OrtSession
Scores an input feed dict, returning the map of all inferred outputs.
- run(Map<String, ? extends OnnxTensorLike>, OrtSession.RunOptions) - Method in class ai.onnxruntime.OrtSession
Scores an input feed dict, returning the map of all inferred outputs.
- run(Map<String, ? extends OnnxTensorLike>, Set<String>) - Method in class ai.onnxruntime.OrtSession
Scores an input feed dict, returning the map of requested inferred outputs.
- run(Map<String, ? extends OnnxTensorLike>, Set<String>, OrtSession.RunOptions) - Method in class ai.onnxruntime.OrtSession
Scores an input feed dict, returning the map of requested inferred outputs.
- RunOptions() - Constructor for class ai.onnxruntime.OrtSession.RunOptions
Creates a RunOptions.
- SequenceInfo - Class in ai.onnxruntime
Describes an
, including it's element type if known. - sequenceOfMaps - Variable in class ai.onnxruntime.SequenceInfo
Is this a sequence of maps.
- sequenceType - Variable in class ai.onnxruntime.SequenceInfo
The type of the sequence if it does not contain a map,
if it does. - SEQUENTIAL - ai.onnxruntime.OrtSession.SessionOptions.ExecutionMode
- SessionOptions() - Constructor for class ai.onnxruntime.OrtSession.SessionOptions
Create an empty session options.
- setCPUArenaAllocator(boolean) - Method in class ai.onnxruntime.OrtSession.SessionOptions
Sets the CPU to use an arena memory allocator.
- setExecutionMode(OrtSession.SessionOptions.ExecutionMode) - Method in class ai.onnxruntime.OrtSession.SessionOptions
Sets the execution mode of this options object, overriding the old setting.
- setGlobalDenormalAsZero() - Method in class ai.onnxruntime.OrtEnvironment.ThreadingOptions
When this is set it causes intra-op and inter-op thread pools to flush denormal values to zero.
- setGlobalInterOpNumThreads(int) - Method in class ai.onnxruntime.OrtEnvironment.ThreadingOptions
Sets the number of threads available for inter-op parallelism (i.e.
- setGlobalIntraOpNumThreads(int) - Method in class ai.onnxruntime.OrtEnvironment.ThreadingOptions
Sets the number of threads available for intra-op parallelism (i.e.
- setGlobalSpinControl(boolean) - Method in class ai.onnxruntime.OrtEnvironment.ThreadingOptions
Allows spinning of thread pools when their queues are empty.
- setInterOpNumThreads(int) - Method in class ai.onnxruntime.OrtSession.SessionOptions
Sets the size of the CPU thread pool used for executing multiple request concurrently, if executing on a CPU.
- setIntraOpNumThreads(int) - Method in class ai.onnxruntime.OrtSession.SessionOptions
Sets the size of the CPU thread pool used for executing a single graph, if executing on a CPU.
- setLoggerId(String) - Method in class ai.onnxruntime.OrtSession.SessionOptions
Sets the logger id to use.
- setLogLevel(OrtLoggingLevel) - Method in class ai.onnxruntime.OrtSession.RunOptions
Sets the current logging level on this RunOptions.
- setLogVerbosityLevel(int) - Method in class ai.onnxruntime.OrtSession.RunOptions
Sets the current logging verbosity level on this RunOptions.
- setMemoryPatternOptimization(boolean) - Method in class ai.onnxruntime.OrtSession.SessionOptions
Turns on memory pattern optimizations, where memory is preallocated if all shapes are known.
- setOptimizationLevel(OrtSession.SessionOptions.OptLevel) - Method in class ai.onnxruntime.OrtSession.SessionOptions
Sets the optimization level of this options object, overriding the old setting.
- setOptimizedModelFilePath(String) - Method in class ai.onnxruntime.OrtSession.SessionOptions
Sets the output path for the optimized model.
- setRunTag(String) - Method in class ai.onnxruntime.OrtSession.RunOptions
Sets the run tag used in logging.
- setSessionLogLevel(OrtLoggingLevel) - Method in class ai.onnxruntime.OrtSession.SessionOptions
Sets the Session's logging level.
- setSessionLogVerbosityLevel(int) - Method in class ai.onnxruntime.OrtSession.SessionOptions
Sets the Session's logging verbosity level.
- setSymbolicDimensionValue(String, long) - Method in class ai.onnxruntime.OrtSession.SessionOptions
Sets the value of a symbolic dimension.
- setTelemetry(boolean) - Method in class ai.onnxruntime.OrtEnvironment
Turns on or off the telemetry.
- setTerminate(boolean) - Method in class ai.onnxruntime.OrtSession.RunOptions
Sets a flag so that all incomplete
OrtSession.run(java.util.Map<java.lang.String, ? extends ai.onnxruntime.OnnxTensorLike>)
calls using this instance ofRunOptions
will terminate as soon as possible. - size - Variable in class ai.onnxruntime.MapInfo
The number of entries in this map.
- size - Variable in enum ai.onnxruntime.OnnxJavaType
- size() - Method in class ai.onnxruntime.OnnxMap
The number of entries in the map.
- size() - Method in class ai.onnxruntime.OrtSession.Result
Returns the number of outputs in this Result.
- STRING - ai.onnxruntime.OnnxJavaType
- STRING - ai.onnxruntime.OnnxMap.OnnxMapValueType
- TENSOR_RT - ai.onnxruntime.OrtProvider
- TensorInfo - Class in ai.onnxruntime
Describes an
, including it's size, shape and element type. - TensorInfo.OnnxTensorType - Enum in ai.onnxruntime
The native element types supported by the ONNX runtime.
- ThreadingOptions() - Constructor for class ai.onnxruntime.OrtEnvironment.ThreadingOptions
Create an empty threading options.
- toString() - Method in class ai.onnxruntime.MapInfo
- toString() - Method in class ai.onnxruntime.NodeInfo
- toString() - Method in class ai.onnxruntime.OnnxMap
- toString() - Method in class ai.onnxruntime.OnnxModelMetadata
- toString() - Method in class ai.onnxruntime.OnnxSequence
- toString() - Method in class ai.onnxruntime.OnnxTensor
- toString() - Method in class ai.onnxruntime.OrtEnvironment
- toString() - Method in class ai.onnxruntime.OrtSession
- toString() - Method in class ai.onnxruntime.SequenceInfo
- toString() - Method in class ai.onnxruntime.TensorInfo
- transformShape(int[]) - Static method in class ai.onnxruntime.OrtUtil
Converts an int shape into a long shape.
- transformShape(long[]) - Static method in class ai.onnxruntime.OrtUtil
Converts an long shape into a int shape.
- type - Variable in class ai.onnxruntime.TensorInfo
The Java type of this tensor.
- UINT8 - ai.onnxruntime.OnnxJavaType
- UNDEFINED - ai.onnxruntime.OnnxSparseTensor.SparseTensorType
Undefined sparse tensor.
- UNKNOWN - ai.onnxruntime.OnnxJavaType
- USE_FP16 - ai.onnxruntime.providers.NNAPIFlags
- USE_NCHW - ai.onnxruntime.providers.NNAPIFlags
- validateShape(long[]) - Static method in class ai.onnxruntime.OrtUtil
Checks that the shape is a valid shape for a Java array (i.e.
- value - Variable in enum ai.onnxruntime.OnnxJavaType
- value - Variable in enum ai.onnxruntime.OnnxSparseTensor.SparseTensorType
The int value mirroring OrtSparseFormat.
- value - Variable in enum ai.onnxruntime.OnnxValue.OnnxValueType
The id number of this type in the C API.
- value - Variable in enum ai.onnxruntime.providers.CoreMLFlags
- value - Variable in enum ai.onnxruntime.providers.NNAPIFlags
- value - Variable in enum ai.onnxruntime.TensorInfo.OnnxTensorType
The int id on the native side.
- ValueInfo - Interface in ai.onnxruntime
Interface for info objects describing an
. - valueOf(String) - Static method in enum ai.onnxruntime.OnnxJavaType
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
- valueOf(String) - Static method in enum ai.onnxruntime.OnnxMap.OnnxMapValueType
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
- valueOf(String) - Static method in enum ai.onnxruntime.OnnxSparseTensor.SparseTensorType
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
- valueOf(String) - Static method in enum ai.onnxruntime.OnnxValue.OnnxValueType
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
- valueOf(String) - Static method in enum ai.onnxruntime.OrtException.OrtErrorCode
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
- valueOf(String) - Static method in enum ai.onnxruntime.OrtLoggingLevel
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
- valueOf(String) - Static method in enum ai.onnxruntime.OrtProvider
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
- valueOf(String) - Static method in enum ai.onnxruntime.OrtSession.SessionOptions.ExecutionMode
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
- valueOf(String) - Static method in enum ai.onnxruntime.OrtSession.SessionOptions.OptLevel
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
- valueOf(String) - Static method in enum ai.onnxruntime.providers.CoreMLFlags
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
- valueOf(String) - Static method in enum ai.onnxruntime.providers.NNAPIFlags
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
- valueOf(String) - Static method in enum ai.onnxruntime.TensorInfo.OnnxTensorType
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
- values() - Static method in enum ai.onnxruntime.OnnxJavaType
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
- values() - Static method in enum ai.onnxruntime.OnnxMap.OnnxMapValueType
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
- values() - Static method in enum ai.onnxruntime.OnnxSparseTensor.SparseTensorType
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
- values() - Static method in enum ai.onnxruntime.OnnxValue.OnnxValueType
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
- values() - Static method in enum ai.onnxruntime.OrtException.OrtErrorCode
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
- values() - Static method in enum ai.onnxruntime.OrtLoggingLevel
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
- values() - Static method in enum ai.onnxruntime.OrtProvider
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
- values() - Static method in enum ai.onnxruntime.OrtSession.SessionOptions.ExecutionMode
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
- values() - Static method in enum ai.onnxruntime.OrtSession.SessionOptions.OptLevel
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
- values() - Static method in enum ai.onnxruntime.providers.CoreMLFlags
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
- values() - Static method in enum ai.onnxruntime.providers.NNAPIFlags
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
- values() - Static method in enum ai.onnxruntime.TensorInfo.OnnxTensorType
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
- valueType - Variable in class ai.onnxruntime.MapInfo
The Java type of the values.
- VITIS_AI - ai.onnxruntime.OrtProvider
- XNNPACK - ai.onnxruntime.OrtProvider
All Classes All Packages