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Ort Namespace Reference

All C++ Onnxruntime APIs are defined inside this namespace. More...


namespace  detail


struct  Allocator
 Wrapper around OrtAllocator. More...
struct  AllocatorWithDefaultOptions
 Wrapper around OrtAllocator default instance that is owned by Onnxruntime. More...
struct  ArenaCfg
 it is a structure that represents the configuration of an arena based allocator More...
struct  BFloat16_t
 bfloat16 (Brain Floating Point) data type More...
struct  CustomOpApi
 This entire structure is deprecated, but we not marking it as a whole yet since we want to preserve for the next release. More...
struct  CustomOpBase
struct  CustomOpConfigs
 Class that represents session configuration entries for one or more custom operators. More...
struct  CustomOpDomain
 Custom Op Domain. More...
struct  Env
 The Env (Environment) More...
struct  Exception
 All C++ methods that can fail will throw an exception of this type. More...
struct  Float16_t
 IEEE 754 half-precision floating point data type. More...
struct  Global
struct  IoBinding
 Wrapper around OrtIoBinding. More...
struct  KernelContext
 This class wraps a raw pointer OrtKernelContext* that is being passed to the custom kernel Compute() method. Use it to safely access context attributes, input and output parameters with exception safety guarantees. See usage example in onnxruntime/test/testdata/custom_op_library/custom_op_library.cc. More...
struct  KernelInfo
 This struct owns the OrtKernInfo* pointer when a copy is made. For convenient wrapping of OrtKernelInfo* passed to kernel constructor and query attributes, warp the pointer with Ort::Unowned<KernelInfo> instance so it does not destroy the pointer the kernel does not own. More...
struct  MapTypeInfo
 Wrapper around OrtMapTypeInfo. More...
struct  MemoryAllocation
 Represents native memory allocation coming from one of the OrtAllocators registered with OnnxRuntime. Use it to wrap an allocation made by an allocator so it can be automatically released when no longer needed. More...
struct  MemoryInfo
 Wrapper around OrtMemoryInfo. More...
struct  ModelMetadata
 Wrapper around OrtModelMetadata. More...
struct  Op
 Create and own custom defined operation. More...
struct  OpAttr
 This struct provides life time management for custom op attribute. More...
struct  RunOptions
 RunOptions. More...
struct  SequenceTypeInfo
 Wrapper around OrtSequenceTypeInfo. More...
struct  Session
 Wrapper around OrtSession. More...
struct  SessionOptions
 Wrapper around OrtSessionOptions. More...
struct  Status
 The Status that holds ownership of OrtStatus received from C API Use it to safely destroy OrtStatus* returned from the C API. Use appropriate constructors to construct an instance of a Status object from exceptions. More...
struct  TensorTypeAndShapeInfo
 Wrapper around OrtTensorTypeAndShapeInfo. More...
struct  ThreadingOptions
 The ThreadingOptions. More...
struct  TypeInfo
 Type information that may contain either TensorTypeAndShapeInfo or the information about contained sequence or map depending on the ONNXType. More...
struct  Value
 Wrapper around OrtValue. More...


using AllocatedStringPtr = std::unique_ptr< char, detail::AllocatedFree >
 unique_ptr typedef used to own strings allocated by OrtAllocators and release them at the end of the scope. The lifespan of the given allocator must eclipse the lifespan of AllocatedStringPtr instance
using UnownedSessionOptions = detail::SessionOptionsImpl< detail::Unowned< OrtSessionOptions > >
using ConstSessionOptions = detail::ConstSessionOptionsImpl< detail::Unowned< const OrtSessionOptions > >
using ConstSession = detail::ConstSessionImpl< detail::Unowned< const OrtSession > >
using UnownedSession = detail::SessionImpl< detail::Unowned< OrtSession > >
using ConstMemoryInfo = detail::MemoryInfoImpl< detail::Unowned< const OrtMemoryInfo > >
using ConstTensorTypeAndShapeInfo = detail::TensorTypeAndShapeInfoImpl< detail::Unowned< const OrtTensorTypeAndShapeInfo > >
using ConstSequenceTypeInfo = detail::SequenceTypeInfoImpl< detail::Unowned< const OrtSequenceTypeInfo > >
using ConstMapTypeInfo = detail::MapTypeInfoImpl< detail::Unowned< const OrtMapTypeInfo > >
using ConstTypeInfo = detail::TypeInfoImpl< detail::Unowned< const OrtTypeInfo > >
 Contains a constant, unowned OrtTypeInfo that can be copied and passed around by value. Provides access to const OrtTypeInfo APIs.
using ConstValue = detail::ConstValueImpl< detail::Unowned< const OrtValue > >
using UnownedValue = detail::ValueImpl< detail::Unowned< OrtValue > >
using UnownedAllocator = detail::AllocatorImpl< detail::Unowned< OrtAllocator > >
using ConstIoBinding = detail::ConstIoBindingImpl< detail::Unowned< const OrtIoBinding > >
using UnownedIoBinding = detail::IoBindingImpl< detail::Unowned< OrtIoBinding > >
using ConstKernelInfo = detail::KernelInfoImpl< detail::Unowned< const OrtKernelInfo > >


const OrtApiGetApi ()
 This returns a reference to the OrtApi interface in use.
std::vector< std::string > GetAvailableProviders ()
 This is a C++ wrapper for OrtApi::GetAvailableProviders() and returns a vector of strings representing the available execution providers.

Detailed Description

All C++ Onnxruntime APIs are defined inside this namespace.

Typedef Documentation

◆ AllocatedStringPtr

using Ort::AllocatedStringPtr = typedef std::unique_ptr<char, detail::AllocatedFree>

unique_ptr typedef used to own strings allocated by OrtAllocators and release them at the end of the scope. The lifespan of the given allocator must eclipse the lifespan of AllocatedStringPtr instance

◆ ConstIoBinding

◆ ConstKernelInfo

◆ ConstMapTypeInfo

◆ ConstMemoryInfo

◆ ConstSequenceTypeInfo

◆ ConstSession

◆ ConstSessionOptions

◆ ConstTensorTypeAndShapeInfo

◆ ConstTypeInfo

Contains a constant, unowned OrtTypeInfo that can be copied and passed around by value. Provides access to const OrtTypeInfo APIs.

◆ ConstValue

◆ UnownedAllocator

◆ UnownedIoBinding

◆ UnownedSession

◆ UnownedSessionOptions

◆ UnownedValue

Function Documentation

◆ GetApi()

const OrtApi & Ort::GetApi ( )

This returns a reference to the OrtApi interface in use.

◆ GetAvailableProviders()

std::vector< std::string > Ort::GetAvailableProviders ( )

This is a C++ wrapper for OrtApi::GetAvailableProviders() and returns a vector of strings representing the available execution providers.

vector of strings