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Inference PyTorch Models

Learn about PyTorch and how to perform inference with PyTorch models.

PyTorch leads the deep learning landscape with its readily digestible and flexible API; the large number of ready-made models available, particularly in the natural language (NLP) domain; as well as its domain specific libraries.

A growing ecosystem of developers and applications seek to use models built with PyTorch and this articles provides a quick tour of inferencing PyTorch models. There are a number of different ways to perform inference of PyTorch models; these are enumerated below.

This article assumes that you are looking for information about performing inference with your PyTorch model rather than how to train a PyTorch model.


Overview of PyTorch

At the heart of PyTorch is the nn.Module, a class that represents an entire deep learning model, or a single layer. Modules can be composed or extended to build models. To write your own module, you implement a forward function that calculates outputs based on model inputs and the trained weights of the model. If you are writing your own PyTorch model, then you are likely training it too. Alternatively you can use pre-trained models from PyTorch itself or from other libraries, such as HuggingFace.

To code an image processing model using PyTorch itself:

import torch
import torch.nn as nn
import torchvision.transforms as T
from torchvision.models import resnet18, ResNet18_Weights

class Predictor(nn.Module):

    def __init__(self):
        weights = ResNet18_Weights.DEFAULT
        self.resnet18 = resnet18(weights=weights, progress=False).eval()
        self.transforms = weights.transforms()

    def forward(self, x: torch.Tensor) -> torch.Tensor:
        with torch.no_grad():
            x = self.transforms(x)
            y_pred = self.resnet18(x)
            return y_pred.argmax(dim=1)

To create a language model using the HuggingFace library you can:

model_name = "bert-large-uncased-whole-word-masking-finetuned-squad"

tokenizer = transformers.BertTokenizer.from_pretrained(model_name)
model = transformers.BertForQuestionAnswering.from_pretrained(model_name)

Once you have created or imported a trained model, how do you run it to perform inference? Below we describe several approaches that you can use to perform inference in PyTorch.

Inference options

Inference with native PyTorch

If you are not sensitive to performance or size and are running in an environment that contains Python executables and libraries, you can run your application in native PyTorch.

Once you have your trained model, there are two methods that you (or your data science team) can use to save and load the model for inference:

  1. Save and load the entire model

    # Save the entire model to PATH, PATH)
    # Load the model from PATH and set eval mode for inference
    model = torch.load(PATH)
  2. Save the parameters of the model, redeclare the model, and load the parameters

    # Save the model parameters, PATH)
    # Redeclare the model and load the saved parameters
    model = TheModel(...)

Which of these methods you use depends on your configuration. Saving and loading the entire means that you do not have to redeclare the model, or even have access to the model code itself. But the trade off is that both the saving environment and loading environment have to match in terms of the classes, methods and parameters available (as these are directly serialized and deserialized).

Saving the trained parameters of the model (the state dictionary, or state_dict) is more flexible than the first approach as long as you have access to the original model code.

There are two main reasons why you may not want to use native PyTorch to perform inference on your model. The first is that you must be running in an environment that contains a Python runtime and the PyTorch libraries and associated dependencies - these add up to several gigabytes of files. If you want to run in an environment such as mobile phone, web browser, or on specialized hardware, running PyTorch inference with native PyTorch will not work. The second is performance. Out of the box, PyTorch model may not give the performance that your application needs.

Inference with TorchScript

If you are running in an environment that is more constrained where you cannot install PyTorch or other Python libraries, you have the option of performing inference with PyTorch models that have been converted to TorchScript. TorchScript is a subset of Python that allows you to create serializable models that can be loaded and executed in non-Python environments.

# Export to TorchScript
script = torch.jit.script(model, example)

# Save scripted model
# Load scripted model
model = torch.jit.load(PATH)
#include <torch/script.h>


  torch::jit::script::Module module;
  try {
    // Deserialize the ScriptModule
    module = torch::jit::load(PATH);
  catch (const c10::Error& e) {


Whilst you do not need to have a Python runtime in your environment to perform inference on your PyTorch model using the TorchScript approach, you do need to install the libtorch binaries and these may be too large for your environment. You may not also get the performance you need for you application.

Inference with ONNXRuntime

When performance and portability are paramount, you can use ONNXRuntime to perform inference of a PyTorch model. With ONNXRuntime, you can reduce latency and memory and increase throughput. You can also run a model on cloud, edge, web or mobile, using the language bindings and libraries provided with ONNXRuntime.

The first step is to export your PyTorch model to ONNX format using the PyTorch ONNX exporter.

# Specify example data
example = ... 

# Export model to ONNX format
torch.onnx.export(model, PATH, example)

Once exported to ONNX format, you can optionally view the model in the Netron viewer to understand the model graph and the inputs and output node names and shapes, and which nodes have variably sized inputs and outputs (dynamic axes).

Then you can run the ONNX model in the environment of your choice. The ONNXRuntime engine is implemented in C++ and has APIs in C++, Python, C#, Java, Javascript, Julia, and Ruby. ONNXRuntime can run your model on Linux, Mac, Windows, iOS, and Android. For example, the following code snippet shows a skeleton of a C++ inference application.

  // Allocate ONNXRuntime session
  auto memory_info = Ort::MemoryInfo::CreateCpu(OrtDeviceAllocator, OrtMemTypeCPU);
  Ort::Env env;
  Ort::Session session{env, ORT_TSTR("model.onnx"), Ort::SessionOptions{nullptr}};

  // Allocate model inputs: fill in shape and size
  std::array<float, ...> input{};
  std::array<int64_t, ...> input_shape{...};
  Ort::Value input_tensor = Ort::Value::CreateTensor<float>(memory_info,, input.size(),, input_shape.size());
  const char* input_names[] = {...};

  // Allocate model outputs: fill in shape and size
  std::array<float, ...> output{};
  std::array<int64_t, ...> output_shape{...};
  Ort::Value output_tensor = Ort::Value::CreateTensor<float>(memory_info,, output.size(),, output_shape.size());
  const char* output_names[] = {...};

  // Run the model
  session_.Run(Ort::RunOptions{nullptr}, input_names, &input_tensor, 1, output_names, &output_tensor, 1);

Out of the box, ONNXRuntime applies a series of optimizations to the ONNX graph, combining nodes where possible and factoring out constant values (constant folding). ONNXRuntime also integrates with a number of hardware accelerators via its Execution Provider interface, including CUDA, TensorRT, OpenVINO, CoreML and NNAPI, depending on which hardware platform you are targeting.

You can further improve the performance of the ONNX model by quantizing it.

If the application is running in constrained environments, such as mobile and edge, you can build a reduced size runtime based on the model or set of models that the application runs.

To get started in your language and environment of choice, see Get started with ONNX Runtime


Export model to ONNX

Accelerated inference with ONNXRuntime